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Concentrated Marine Phytonutrients

  • Supports Cellular Health
  • Promotes Energy & Vitality
  • Excellent Source of Micro-Nutrients
  • Dietary Supplement

UMAC is a proprietary blend comprised on multiple species of microalgae, wild-crafted by the pristine coastal waters of the northeast Pacific Ocean. Among the nutrients found in these superfoods are: Vitamin A, bio-available proteins, all 22 amino acids, enzymes, Vitamin B complex, minerals, trace minerals, fucoxanthan, folic acid, selenium, zinc, potassium, calcium and more… This remarkable blend is unrivaled by any other single form of food, plant, algae, grain or herb.

UMAC Marine Phytoplankton provides you with nutrition the way Mother Nature intended, grown wild and bio-available. Recent human clinical studies on UMAC suggested it can help improve immune functions, cellular health, promoting overall energy, vitality and emotional well-being.


Protease Enzymes help with healing cancer.


Helps to build killer T-cells.


High amounts of CBD oil helps with cancer.


Sprouting has changed many people’s lives.  It brings enzymes and life force and natural proteins back into the body. Mung beans sprouted are one that make the complete protein meal without gas or digestive issues.


You receive more chlorine through taking a shower than you do by drinking a glass of tap water. Chlorine is known for creating hardening of the arteries. University and hospital studies have declared this, including killing some of your probiotics.


Using mineral salt not only helps to open the pores and detoxify the body, but also helps to mineralize and alkalize the body.


Research is discovering that when your intestinal tract is functioning properly, it manufactures more healthy substances than we previously realized, almost like secondary vitamins. Alcohol, sugar, tap water, and pollution contribute to a deficient intestinal system, and thankfully we have new probiotic technology  to help us.


Cell phones, cell phone towers, microwave dishes, TVs, computers all contribute to the deficiency in our immune system and electromagnetic energy field.  There are many solutions out there.  Check our product list for EMF solutions that might make sense for you.


Qi gong and Thai Chi are ways to enhance your electromagnetic field, thereby increasing your immune and endocrine system functions which help to boost your endorphins.  Its also a wonderful avenue for moving meditation for those who issues with meditating. Check out our video teasers!


Taking one to two minute pranayama breathing breaks habitually can be more powerful than taking a long break once in a long while.


We all know a cat’s purr is relaxing and stress-reducing, but science has shown it can also be physically beneficial. It’s not just the sound of purring that’s important, but the vibration it produces. Learn more…


The book that is the definitive guide to a natural lifestyle for dogs and cats.


Red or white? No, we’re not talking about wine. Onions come in many shades, too! And while they may be able to make you cry, you definitely won’t cry (unless they’re happy tears) after you hear about this new research.

Of all the types of onions, the red variety are the most effective at killing breast and colon cancer cells, according to a recent study published in Food Research International.

Researchers from the University of Guelph removed the antioxidant quercetin from five different onion varieties and placed them in direct contact with colon cancer cells. The red onions killed more of the cancer cells than any other variety, they reported.

This One Type of Onion Has Some Major Cancer-Fighting Benefits, Science Says

Turns out, the dark color of red onions—which indicates higher levels of anthocyanin, a pigment that increases the effectiveness of quercetin—could make them powerful cancer fighters. “Anthocyanin is instrumental in providing color to fruits and vegetables, so it makes sense that the red onions, which are darkest in color, would have the most cancer-fighting power,” study author Abdulmonem Murayyan said in a statement.
According to Murayyan, the “onions activate pathways that encourage cancer cells to undergo cell death. They promote an unfavorable environment for cancer cells and they disrupt communication between cancer cells, which inhibits growth.”Of course, we shouldn’t discriminate; every onion variety provides these benefits. “All onions are potent cancer fighters thanks to their high concentrations of the antioxidants anthocyanin and quercetin,” Karen Ansel R.D.N., author of Healing Superfoods for Anti-aging: Stay Younger, Live Longer told Women’s Health. But red onions come out on top, thanks to their high amounts of the pigment anthocyanin.Scientists hope to test the effects of red onions on humans in the future. Until then, you can easily try swapping white onions for red to reap the most benefits from their powerful antioxidants. If you do, here’s how not to cry while you’re chopping them.